Freddy Yusanto Obtained Doctoral Degree in Communication Science

Lecturer of Digital Content Broadcasting Bachelor Study Program, Freddy Yusanto, successfully obtained a Doctoral degree in Communication Science at Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) on Tuesday, (31/1). Dr. Freddy Yusanto earned his doctorate degree with a dissertation entitled Content Criticism of Local Wisdom Values in the Indonesia Bagus Documentary Program.

In the open defense, Freddy explained about the shift in media ideology due to the change in concept that resulted in the marginalization of local wisdom values.

“I chose this dissertation title to investigate how the shift in media ideology occurred due to the change in the concept of a television documentary program that resulted in the marginalization of local wisdom values, especially in the Indonesia Bagus program,” Freddy stated.

In his open defense, which was held at the Postgraduate Building of Padjadjaran University, 4th floor, Freddy stated that the discourse of pro-nationalist capitalist ideology should be the basis of television media management.

“The discourse of pro-nationalist capitalist ideology should be the basis for managing a television media. This is to bridge the interests of media organizations as a profit-oriented media industry and the audience as citizens who are entitled to information and education.” He explained.

Freddy expected that this research would provide a solution for producing broadcast programs that reflected the value of local wisdom, so that to prevent local wisdom from being marginalized in the future.

Author: Fauzul Adkhaf Azif | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations

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