BANDUNG, Telkom University – 3 Students from School of Engineering Industry (FRI) Telkom University I Gede Iswara (Alumni SI 2011), Evan Adi Prasetyo (SI 2014) and M. Kamal Haris (SI 2014) won 2nd category Sysadmin on IDN Competition 2017.
Presenting 3 categories of competitions namely Sysadmin, Networking, and Android. IDN Competition is a second year national event organized by PT Integrasi Data Nusantara.
Evan said that this competition is online where the participants can do any problem anywhere and anytime, in category Sysadmin participants undergo 3 stages of Windows Server, test theory, and Linux Server. Of the three stages will be taken 2 highest score that will determine the champion.
“This competition was initiated around July for registration and then resumed at Windows Server stage on August 12th, followed by the theoretical test stage and Linux Server stage on August 19th, then we received the announcement that we got the 2nd winner on Monday 21st August,” he said.
Through preparation by studying the material for 2 weeks Evan tells us that this competition really trains the server administration skills of the participants and also test the ability of the participants in understanding the problem and fulfill the requirement of the problem within the specified time frame.
“We hope from this competition can increase the interest and understanding of the community in the field of sysadmins and able to give birth to sysadmins who are reliable and competent” he said.