SOLO, TEL-U – The originator of the National Research Council who is also the 3rd President of Republic of Indonesia, Prof BJ Habibie invited young researchers in Indonesia to continue the researchโs vestige which have been initiated by previous researchers. “Your era is easy now, means my expectations the results are better than I was,” he said, Tuesday (9/8).
It was delivered by Habibie in the National Seminar entitled “Synergy of Higher Education, Research and Business through Innovation for Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Nation” at the same Plenary Session of the National Research Council (DRN) in 2016 and commemorate National Technology Awakening Day. The event was held at The Royal Heritage in Salatiga, Solo Central Java.
The event also attended by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Prof Muhammad Nasir, PhD, Akt., Former president of Indonesia and also the initiator of the National Research Council, Prof. BJ Habibie, Chairman of DRN, Dr. Ir Bambang Setiadi IPU, members Regional Research Council, as well as a number of rectors and some leaders of the companies involved in the consortium smart card.
To the researchers, Habibie also reminded to think and arrange the legal basis. “This is important because research results are not only valid for one generation, but dial-connect to the next generation,” he said.
Husband of Ainun Habibie, a figure that was first formed DRN, and sparked the National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas). Habibie reminded, DRN is an essential component needed to build the nation. “If DRN is turned off, just wait for the time of this nation means nothing,” he said. (Purel / raf)