JAKARTA, Telkom University – Enggaging the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), and the Chinese embassy to Indonesia, Huawei Indonesia signed an agreement with Telkom University in the field of strengthening the information technology, in the main hall BPPT Republic of Indonesia Jakarta (Monday, 3/27).
Rector of Telkom University Professor Mochamad Ashari in his statement before the media said that the cooperation between universities and industry is crucial in an era of increasingly rapid dynamics. “Of course this is a good initiation, and should become the tradition for many universities in Indonesia, Telkom University enthusiastic in strengthening its cooperation, relevant information technology, especially it’s the core value of our education system” he explained.
In this partnership signatories Huawei Indonesia also launched SmartGen program, the program of Huawei and Telkom University to educate the young generation of Indonesia. The program is expected as a trigger of independence for the information technology university in Indonesia.
SmartGen is a short-term educational programs such as guest lectures, worskhop at Huawei production center and other synergies program relating to the strengthening the scientific and practical students.
Liu Haosheng, CEO of Huawei Indonesia in the opening remark explained that Huawei decided to participate and educate Indonesian generation since 2000, until today continue to make the transfer of knowledge related to technology literacy, “Recently, Indonesia is aggressively growth in the field of technology, thus we will continue to develop Indonesia for a better future “he said.
Furthermore, this cooperation was also attended by leading public universities such as ITB, UNDIP, UI, ITS, and UGM. All of the university as well as a pioneer project to then be targeting other universities in Indonesia.
In closing remarks, Minister of Communication of the Republic of Indonesia Rudiantara expressed the hope that Huawei did not only focus on technology, but on things that are social-humanities, “I hope Huawei also plays role on introducing the regulations related knowledge, culture, and the spirit of Tionkok progress, thus they also absorb knowledge about why these last years the Tiongkok are accelerated “he concluded.
Dedi Kurnia Syah P