ICONIC Public Relations Webinar Series

BANDUNG, Telkom University – To improve qualifications and competencies in the field of Public Relations, amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the Digital Public Relations Undergraduate Program at Telkom University held an ICONIC Public Relations Webinar Series entitled “How to Be Iconic Public Relations”.

This webinar series is divided into two sessions, the first session is held on July 1, 2021, and the second session is on July 8, 2021. The activity which is held online through the Zoom application is supported by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The first session was attended by 230 participants.

Following the theme, this training aims to increase the ability, knowledge, and latest information about the world of public relations to academics (lecturers, students, staff) and prospective public relations practitioners so that later they can become qualified, reliable public relations practitioners and can become company icons. /institution.

To achieve this goal, the Digital Public Relations Study Program at Telkom University presented four resource persons who were competent in their fields, namely Agung Laksamana (Chairman of Public Relations Indonesia & Director of Corporate Affairs of APRIL. Group), Febri Diansyah (Former Spokesperson and Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the KPK). ), Prita Kemal Gani (Founder & CEO of LSPR Communication & Business Institute) and Pujo Pramono (VP Corporate Communications of PT. Telkom).

The sub-themes presented by each speaker included: (1) Interpreting Top Management’s Goals, (2) How to be an Impressive Company’s Spoke Person, (3) PR’s Creativity to Build Good Engagement, and (4) The Role of Big Data to Support PR’s Activities.

The chief executive of the activities, Dr. Amalia Djuwita revealed that this activity is expected to contribute to the birth of public relations practitioners who have high qualifications and integrity and are expected to become icons for their companies.

“We are well aware that the lessons given during lectures need to be supported by knowledge from professional PR professionals. Thus, there needs to be an enrichment of knowledge and the development of insight. Hopefully, this activity will be a contribution for us to produce PR practitioners who can become icons for their companies in the future. I hope that the participants can enthusiastically observe the material presented by the speakers,” said Amalia.

Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Business Ade Irma Susanty, Ph.D. in his speech said that this training activity can be an activity that can be held regularly by the Digital Public Relations Study Program of Telkom University in the hope that it can be continued with a certification program from BNSP.

“Especially in a pandemic situation like now, the power of PR is very necessary. The material in the lectures in class is not enough, we need to hone our knowledge from experienced PR practitioners. And hopefully, in the future we can continue this activity with the certification program from BNSP,” said Ade Irma.

PR as the spearhead for a company or organization is a figure who is always required to appear prime and reliable by the company, not only smart in speaking but there need to be experts in managing communication to be able to maintain public image and trust. Especially facing the era of society 5.0, the ability of a PR is required to be able to interact digitally with all internal and external publics of the company.

In the presentation of material related to Interpreting Top Management’s Goals, Agung Laksamana emphasized that in interpreting the goals of top management, there are 10 things that a PR needs to do, namely, know your CEO, know your strategy, know your business well, know your audience, know your media, storynomics, be creative, employees as your brand ambassadors, measure, and personalized.

In addition, Febri Diansyah in his presentation of material related to How to be an Impressive Company’s Spoke Person said that before knowing how a spokesperson works, we need to know the three basic principles of public communication and the objectives of external communication.

“There are three basic principles that we apply, namely mastering problems that are supported by data and facts as supporting evidence. Second, do not lie or cover-up information. And lastly, the appearance or body language of a spokesperson must reflect the content of the information submitted to the public,” said Febri.

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