BANDUNG, TEL-U โ If you want to travel around Indonesia but still confused where to go. Donโt worry, these difficulties can be resolved by visiting Urban Village. In this place, visitors can enjoy the culture and the enchantment of several cities in Indonesia, such as Tual City, Bau Bau, Ruteng, Luwuk, Cape Redeb, and Painan.
Urban Village is an activity entitled Preciously Indonesia as the implementation of Marketing Public Relations (MPR) subject and Sales Management in the department of Communication Science FKB Telkom University. This event was organized by the students of Marketing Communication concentration class 2014 that was held in Situ Techno Telkom University, Wednesday (16/11).
Urban Village was divided into four stages. Pre-event 1 and 2 were held in October. The event was held in Situ Techno is a part third session and reached its peak on Saturday (19/11) in Cikapundung River Spot Jalan Asia Afrika.
Events in Situ Techno was enlivened by various booths from each class representing specific cities. In the booth, the students were required to sell culinary products and merchandise as well as a show with a variety of exciting games.
The Lecturer in Charge for Urban Village, Arie Prasetyo said, the event was a continuation of Brand Management courses taken by students in the previous semester. In the Brand Management subject, the students required to prepare branding on towns it represents. These cities must have the potential and uniqueness that can be exposed because itโs not recognized by people.
“At half time, the students tried to campaign for something both of superiority and uniqueness of the city branding then pack with campaign in which the essence of MPR and Sales Management subject that was soft selling,” says Arie.
Arie also expected that the Urban Village can be the bridge between Telkom University and public and shows that this campus is concerned with the culture of local knowledge possessed by various cities in Indonesia. “Although it has a mission to become a World Class University, we want ย Telkom University is also more concerned with the indigenous cultures of Indonesia,” he said. (PR / EAD)