BANDUNG, TEL-U โ Vice Rector 1 Academic and Information System Telkom University (Tel-U) Dr Heroe Wijanto, Ir, MT said that the students who graduated in September 2016 will receive SPKI (Companion Education Certificate) along with academic transcript and educational certificate. “In accordance with PerMen 81/2014 that SPKI is a document containing information on academic achievement or qualifications of higher education degree graduand,” he said.
It is conveyed by the Vice Rector 1 on the 2016 Curriculum legalization which was held in the Bangkit Building, Wednesday (8/6). The ratification was done by Telkom University Rector Prof. Ir Ashari Mochamad MEng, PhD.
The Vice Rector 1 explained referred to PERMENRISTEK of Higher Education no.44 / 2015 on national Higher education standards (SN-DIKTI) in particular article 24, paragraph 5; the graduand has the right to receive the educational certificate, professional certificate (for profession graduand), certificate of competence (for graduand with expertise in the branch of science and / or an achievement beyond the program of study), degree, and companion education certificate (unless otherwise stipulated by the legislation).
Meanwhile, following the enactment of the 2016 Curriculum, Director of Academic Christanto Triwibisono, Ir, MM explained that the 2016 book summaries curriculum is ready to use on August. This summary, he said, to complete the 2016 Education Handbook which will be implemented by August 22, 2016.
Within this summary contained the equivalent of the oldest curriculum to the new curriculum, and courses that have been uploaded in Igracias. “This Curriculum Summary can apply on student exchange or double degree,” he said.
The pattern of implementation lectures, added Christanto, the courses with 2 credits then the theory will be held 2 hours at a time, 3 credits of theory will be held 3 hours at a time, and 4 credits theory held 2 meetings each 2 hours. (Purel / aw)