Bandung, Telkom University – At least 840 Bachelors, 83 Diplomas and 58 Masters have attended graduation ceremony at Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH) on Saturday (25/3/17). Out of a 981 best graduaands in this period, 235 graduands are cum laude. This graduation also fulfilled the number of Telkom University graduands which is spread in 30 countries amounted to 36,763 alumni.
To answer the needs of professional workforce absorption, Telkom University regularly organizes Job Expo to attract fresh graduate professionals to synergize through industry. This year the event is centered in the Landmark Convention Hall Braga, on Thursday-Friday (20-21 / 4/2017).
At least followed by 30 national and multinational companies, Vice Rector for Admission and International Cooperation. AMA Suyanto explained that this effort is done for the synergy of University and Industry. So the interconnection of both become contributor empowering Human Resources (SDM) which productive and innovative.
“Of course (Job Expo) is frequently done, and we assign this as a good tradition between the University and Industry, we expect a lot of fresh graduated professionals who facilitated through this Job Expo” he explained.
Furthermore, the number of companies participating in this Telkom University Expo will open the wide access to work in reputable companies. “See from the number of participating companies, this indicates the existence of open access work. Means,this effort helps the government in the provision of employment, at the University itself they are trained to compete in this innovative outsider world” he added.
Based on data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the number of unemployed in Indonesia productive age reached 530 thousand people. The number is decreasing compared to the previous year which reached up to 7.3 million people. Telkom University itself recorded history as the University with the highest labor force for the region of West Java and Banten.
Rector of Telkom University Professor Mochamad Ashari, in his written statement explains that education in Telkom University is more aimed to become Entrepreneurs, so as to compete independently and collectively.
“One of the core competences at Telkom University is entrepreneur, refining the other cores of Information and Art Technology. This is a very good practice since the learning process in the classroom, so that once they graduate, they are ready to face competition in the industry, “he said.
Ashari further said that the University in Indonesia should be hand in hand to realize the ideals of the nation, by placing the University as a producer of human resources capable and eager to build. “Indonesia as a country with the largest economic growth projection in Southeast Asia in 2020, encourages creation, innovation, and invention of new economic activities among the young generation, and this momentum should be a lighter graduate of Telkom University” he concluded. Although the events are organized by Telkom University, it is open to the public.