Industry Should Support University Curriculum Updates


BANDUNG, TEL-U โ€“ Technology assimilation facilities becomes more open in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). In fact AEC is now the opportunity for Indonesia to achieve a higher level of technology and promote industrialization. In this case, the higher education can play an important role.

“Universities can play an important role in supporting the improvement of competitiveness and growth the industry by providing high-level research skills and to apply current technologies. The university also assimilate, adapt and develop new technologies, “said Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Telkom University (FTE Tel-U) Dr. Ir. Rina Astuti Pudji M.T.

Rina conveyed during the Industrial Gathering held in Pangrango Horisson Hotel Bandung, Thursday (4/6). This event is attended by three telecommunications experts, computer engineering, electrical engineering, physics and engineering. There are Deputy Service Division and Solution- Directorate Network and IT Solution- PT Telkom Indonesia Admiral Dasrin, Director of Special Telecommunications, Public Broadcasting and Universal Obligation, DPPI-Communications and Information Technology Dr. Ir. Ismail, and Director of Hitachi Construction Machinery Indonesia Dr. Ir. Togar Hope Pangaribuan, M.

On the other hand, said Rina, one of the challenges for universities is a gap between a graduandโ€™s skills with industry needs of qualified human resources. Skills gap often appears in the service industry, export sector and technology-intensive sectors. The gap is becoming a serious inhibition to innovation and productivity.

“Therefore, connectivity universities and industry must be strengthened through interactions between researchers, businesses, officials and other parties,” said Rina. One FTE efforts in anticipation of graduand skills gap is to conduct periodic updating curriculum tailored to the development needs of industry. One was through discussions with industry and associations include the development of business and technology, as well as the qualification of human resources needed today and in the future.

This industrial gathering entitled Human Resource Development Engineering Excellence in the era of the EAC. “From the industrial gathering will be obtained information that can be input for FTE Tel-U in designing the 2016 curriculum,” said Rina.

Not only has the national scale, FTE Tel-U also gathered information from the international university academics to serve as input in the preparation of curriculum. “Insights needs of industry and international universities needs to be done to adapt the curriculum FTE Tel-U with global standards. On July FTE Tel-U will invite academics from UK, Australia and Japan to obtain information that will be used as guidance in updating the curriculum 2016, “said Rina. (Purel / risca

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