International Conference on Science, Engineering, Bulit Environment, and Social Science (ICSEBS)

ICSEBS2016 Poster Page 1

Topic:  “GreenTechnology, Culture and Humanity”

ICSEBS 2016 will be held at Aula School of Applied Science, Selaru Building 4th Floor, Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia.

Monday – Thursday November 28 – Desember 1, 2016


Prof. Ir. Mochammad Ashari, M.Eng, Ph.D (Telkom University)

Prof.Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Ag (University of Muhammadiyah Malang)

Prof.Dr. Hj. Khairul Aidil Azlin Abd Rahman (Universiti Putra Malaysia)

Dr. Muhammad Mujab, M.Th (UIN Malang)

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Akira Kikuchi (University of Hiroshima, Japan)

Dr. Yusnani (Univ. Brunei Darussalam)

Prof. Dr. Ing. Nicolas Gascoin, DEA, MBA (Ambassade de France en Indonesie)

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