Introducing Tel-U’s Research Center in Artificial Intelligence: RC AILO

As a university renowned for its expertise in the field of Information Communication & Technology (ICT), Telkom University has a leading research center that focuses on development of artificial intelligence, namely the Research Center Artificial Intelligence for Learning and Optimization (RC AILO).

The primary purpose of AILO is reflected in the RC’s vision, which is to be a center of excellence for the study, research, development, and innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the national and international levels. This was stated by the Chairman of RC AILO, Prof. Suyanto.

“Through RC AILO, Telkom University has a platform to develop the latest concepts, methods, and techniques in the field of AI. We are also committed to producing AI products and innovations that are beneficial to the welfare of society,” said Suyanto.

He added that RC AILO also regularly organizes workshops to improve education and talent development in the field of AI. Furthermore, various research collaborations in the field of AI are massively conducted with industry, government, and research institutions both at national and international levels.

“Our research areas are quite diverse, but some of the current megatrends, such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining and Analytics, AI for Cyber Security, and Swarm Intelligence, are our current focus.”

Several excellent products produced by RC AILO also continue to increase, demonstrating that AILO’s activities are in line with the rapid development of AI. In 2021, RC AILO produced research on the Komodo Mlipir Algorithm Metaheuristic Optimization Method.

Furthermore, there is a Scalable Universal Optimizer Algorithm to Solve Thousand-Dimensional Optimization Problems. In 2022, RC AILO developed an Economy Dispatch Energy Optimization Application at PT PLN using the Komodo Mlipir Algorithm.

Author: Abdullah Adnan | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations


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  • fayed 09/16/2023 @ 21:10


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