Leader’s Talk Value #1: Being an Adaptive and Beneficial Individual with Prof. Juhaeri Muchtar

Leader's Talk Value 1

Telkom University held its first Calendar of Culture Action (CoCA) in 2022, which took place on Friday (25/2) online. This CoCA activity is routinely carried out every month. The aim is to strengthen the vision of the Tel-U academic community, which is to become a Research and Entrepreneurial University in 2023.

It was stated by the Director of the Secretariat and Strategic Planning and the Chief Executive of CoCA, Dr. Anisah Firli. According to him, culture is one of the dominant factors of an organization to achieve big goals. “Universities have a significant role in producing a superior generation. Hopefully, this first CoCA can provide enthusiasm and insight towards a better future,” said Firli.

The Rector of Telkom University and the Tel-U Culture Leader, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, said that three cultural pillars are closely related to the Tel-U academic community, namely Harmony, Excellence & Integrity (HEI).

“The three pillars reflect what is in a Telutizen, have a spirit of togetherness, provide the best work and services, and have high integrity. We hope that this culture can benefit the community and this nation can feel. Hopefully, every benefit that we provide can become a charity,” said the Chancellor.

In this CoCA, Tel-U invited a speaker with an inspiring story in his career. Prof. Juhaeri Muchtar was born October 7, 1966, from a simple family in Pinangraja Village, Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency, West Java. He currently serves as Vice President and Head, Global Safety Sciences, Sanofi, a leading global healthcare company.

Prof. Juhaeri Muchtar said that every individual needs to have a culture to spread benefits. According to him, besides success in Business and Academic careers, one more thing needs to be possessed, namely Leadership.

“How do we contribute our leadership skills in the wider community. That is why I always make time to contribute to organizations worldwide. One of them is the Innovative Medicine Initiative.” Juhaeri said.

In addition to discussing Community Leadership, he also conveyed Global Megatrends, which should be seen as opportunities. The Global Megatrend is a significant change in the economic, social, political, geostrategic, and technological fields that will impact the needs and structure of the global energy market.

Three megatrends need special attention from Tel-U, such as Labor Market Shifts (Increasing automation to affect the global workforce), Skill Mismatch (the gap between skill needs in industry and the knowledge taught at school/campus), and Economics. Shifts (Global economic growth depends on emerging markets).

At the end of the material, he advised that publication is the best thing academics can do. “I suggest for fellow students and lecturers to start writing, whatever, for the rest of your life, as long as it is useful. There is a term Verba Volant Scripta Manent which means ‘the spoken word is lost, but the writing will stay'” concluded Juhaeri.

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