BANDUNG, TEL-U – lecturers as a facilitator is required to create an active learning environment in the classroom. Thus, lecturer should be continually learn and open-minded. It is delivered by a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padjadjaran, Hari Setyowibowo, S Psi, M Si as a speaker at the Coordination Meeting of First Semester Academic Year 2016/2017 in the Hall of School of Applied Sciences Telkom University (FIT Tel-U), Thursday (12/1 / 2017).
“Being a lecturer was asked to apply the long lifelearning, with an open mind. It may be that we learn from the findings of our students, and we as a lecturer should be able to create an active learning environment. Lecturers should know when to challenge and support for students, “he said.
Hari also described how to create an atmosphere of active learning, by stimulating the senses of the students. “At the beginning of the learning process, the lecturer could begin by asking inspirational questions, presenting startling facts and statistics, case, or story. So that they could pay attention because they feel this course challenging and rewarding, “he said.
In addition, it is also needs appreciation of the learning process by acknowledging and not criticize. “So the appreciation is not only goes to successes, but also failures which is used as learning materials,” he said.
The event was opened by the Rector of Tel-U, Prof Mochamad Ashari, M Eng, Ph D which is explained some achievements of Tel-U in 2016 and the introducing of new courses to facilitate the interest of prospective students.
“Tel-U obtain institutional accreditation from BAN-PT with an index value of A. We became the only national private university accredited A in Kopertis IV. Then we also become number one greenest universities in Indonesia for the category Greenmetric PTS according to UI. This year there are also several new courses such as S2 Industrial Engineering, D4 Multimedia Systems, Public Relations S1 and S1 Information Technology, “he said.
Abdullah Adnan