BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University Librarian Jeng Ayu Ning Tyas came out as the First Winner of Best Achieving Librarian Selection West Java Provincial Level Year 2017. Wednesday (5/7/17). The good news was received by Telkom University Open Library through the official notice from the Head of Regional Library and Regional Archives (Bapusipda) West Java Province with number 902/194 / PPPBB.
Ajeng became the Best Achieving Librarian Winner of West Java Level 2017 after writing a scientific paper entitled “All librarians are Public Relations: Public Relations as a Personal Competencies towards Professional Librarian in 21st Century”. Along with dozens of participants from other libraries in West Java, Ajeng followed the written test, interviewed, and presented his scientific work at Bapusipda Jabar on Friday (24/5/17) and the 29-year-old woman then qualified for the “Big 7” Visitation selection on Wednesday (7/6/17).
One judge who assessed when the visitation to Openlibrary Telkom University revealed that in Indonesia there is no libraries that put special librarians to act as Public Relation in the library they manage, then the scientific work is a new innovation in Indonesia. Ajeng raised the theme, because it is one of his duties at Telkom University Library and he argues that librarians as “an image maker” for every library they manage
Telkom University Openlibrary expects the prayer and support from all parties to its librarian named Ajeng to be a winner at the National Level and bring Telkom University’s name to become more flown again at the national level. ***-