Literature Symposium: Public Services and Corruption Eradication

Bandung, Telkom University – The Corruption Eradication Commission’s Public Relations Bureau through the KPK Library has been committed to being a part of the service to fulfill the information and anti-corruption literacy in society. The KPK Library in collaboration with Telkom University established the KPK Corner on October 29, 2019. The presence of the KPK Corner is expected to be one of the sources of anti-corruption information that can be accessed by the public, especially academicians around Telkom University.

The Library workshop is an activation activity for the KPK Corner at Telkom University. This activity is carried out online through Zoom and broadcast live through Telkom University’s YouTube Channel on Friday (09/10). Carrying the theme “Public Service and Corruption Eradication”, this is one of the KPK efforts to increase public awareness and involvement in participating in the eradication of corruption in the public service sector.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as the Rector of Telkom University said that Telkom University has been active in conducting anti-corruption propaganda programs that are held annually. The aim is to instill an anti-corruption attitude among Telkom University academicians.

“Alhamdulillah, the KPK has provided facilities in the form of a KPK Corner which is placed in Telkom University, precisely in the Open Library. This is one of the facilities that add insight, increase knowledge for the academic community and the general public regarding the cultivation of an anti-corruption culture, “he said.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya explained that the Corruption Eradication Commission Corner can be utilized through several literacies related to the existing anti-corruption education. Telkom University also continues to cultivate an anti-corruption culture among students.

“This Library Workshop is an activity that seeks to instill a culture of anti-corruption among the academic community. Hopefully, it is not only become an inspiration, but also as a provision in society. Becoming citizens with high integrity who can not only maintain an anti-corruption culture for themselves but become role models in society instills an anti-corruption culture itself, “he said.

Telkom University has collaborated with the KPK in forming the KPK Corner which is one of the public services in eradicating corruption in Indonesia. Now, the KPK Corner has several literacies that are used for public services and corruption eradication. It is hoped that anti-corruption activists can become role models in society so that anti-corruption culture becomes a culture in society and becomes a corruption-free Indonesia in the future.

Febri Diansyah as the Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the KPK explained that the concept of library management is not only managing the placement of books and book-lending services in the library, but we can talk much more substantially about anti-corruption literacy.

“Anti-corruption programs at the KPK Public Relations Bureau, we do not only manage the library physically but also conduct discussions through new knowledge or literature on corruption eradication, both books from within the country and books from abroad. and developing an integrity journal. The hope is that corruption eradication issues are not seen only as what we see every day, but we can see the problem deeper and can analyze it systematically, “he said.

Febri Diansyah said that one concept of anti-corruption literacy carried out at the KPK Public Relations Bureau is through the KPK Corner program. It is expected to be a bridge to our common desires with the integrity journal program as well to discuss anti-corruption issues more academically.

“There is one essential principle in the effort to eradicate corruption that is the benefits of eradicating corruption must be felt by the public. Including the eradication of corruption on a large scale involving a high profile, or corruption that occurs daily. The preventive efforts and breakthroughs in this essential study of the issue of public services and eradicating corruption. Hopefully, through the theme of Public Service and Corruption Eradication, this can be further elaborated. “

Febri Diansyah also added that activities carried out in the context of eradicating corruption cannot be carried out by the KPK alone, but we must jointly build anti-corruption networks armed with this awareness and strong campus support.

The Library Workshop also presented several speakers, including Ronny Ahmad Nurudin as Head of the Bandung City Investment and One-Stop Services Service (DPMPTSP), Sonny Fajar Gumilang as Lecturer at Telkom University, Timotius Hendrik Sirait from the Directorate of Research and Development-KPK, and Prof. Dr. Ningrum Natasya Sirait as Bestari INTEGRITY Partner and Lecturer at the University of North Sumatra.