Student Tel-U wins champion at Rock Expert South East Asia Climbing Festival

Bandung, Telkom University-student Telkom University managed to ride the podium at the race Rock Expert South East Asia Climbing Festival on (28/10) coinciding with the day of the Youth oath. This competition is located at Venue Wall Climbing Mahapala University Negeri Semarang (UNNES), Gunungpati, Semarang.

Students of Tel-U who managed to ride the podium are Iqbal Kamal Fasya, currently still active in Tel-U at S1 of Arts class 2016 from the faculty of Creative Industries (FIK). “Almost all campuses from Indonesia participated in this competition, in the Open Men category also there are some from abroad. The fairly competitive establishments are on campus from the Java island, not infrequently they are provincial athletes as well. But thanks to the routine exercise, I managed to competitive “said Iqbal when interviewed.

Iqbal admitted, while doing the exercises she needed a cooperative partner and adequate facilities. During the exercise process he admitted that he often participated in exercises with athletes from West Java as well. So that competence can be continued to be sharpened and increased.

“Seeing various achievements in print by Tel-U students, both academic and non-academic, can make Telkom University continue to work to provide facilities and support to be better. ” Please Iqbal who is planned to continue to participate in the competition in the future.