Ma’soem University Visits Tel-U: Campus Management Benchmark

Ma’soem University visited Telkom University directly on Thursday (20/10). It is a benchmark for Tel-U regarding campus management which is expected to be implemented at Ma’Soem University in the future. It was stated by the Chancellor of Ma’Soem University, Ir. H. Dadang M Ma’Soem, MSCE., Ph.D.

“Our purpose of coming here is to learn about the campus management system from one of the best private universities in Indonesia. Such as accreditation, infrastructure development, quality assurance, and many more. We hope it can be applied later on our campus,” said Dadang.

The meeting between Tel-U and Ma’Soem University occurred at R. Multimedia, Gd. Rise Lt. 2, also attended by the Vice Chancellor for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, warmly welcomed this visit. Dida revealed that data analytics is one of the best campus management efforts.

“It must be admitted that data is essential today. Many achievements have been achieved because the execution is based on data. To increase student enrollment, we need first to know what students are interested in and what kind of campus they want, then we will prepare it.”

The topic of the discussion focuses on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which consists of Education, Research, and Community Service; development of competitive human resource competencies, as well as projected future collaboration between institutions.

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