Master of Management PJJ Telkom University Creates Digitalization Learning Interactively

BANDUNG, Telkom University – As the best private university in Indonesia, Telkom University swiftly adapts to the current rapid pace of technology. To support high mobility for prospective students in the current digital era, Telkom University presents Distance Education (PJJ) so that lecture activities can be carried out online to the maximum. PJJ fully utilizes digital communication media (internet) effectively and efficiently. One of the study programs that have started implementing PJJ is the Master of Management study program.

This is under the vision of the Master of Management study program to become a Master of Management PJJ (Distance Learning) Study Program that produces superior international standard leaders in digital-based business management.

Head of the PJJ Management Masters Study Program, Dr. Irni Yunita, S.T., M.M.. said, “With the PJJ Management Masters study program, it is expected to be able to develop excellent leaders through the implementation of international standard teaching, research, and community service activities by utilizing the networks and capabilities of stakeholders in digital-based industries.” She said.

The PJJ Master of Management Program implements online learning through the Learning Management System (LMS) application with 100% online learning activities that can be done Asynchronously (self-study) or synchronously (online face-to-face).

To support this program, Tel-U has a Learning Management System (LMS) support platform from the Center of E-Learning and Open Education Telkom University (CeLOE) which regularly produces learning content that is packaged attractively and interactively as student teaching materials. There are several learning methods in this PJJ program including Self Study, Group Discussion, Digital Content Learning, Online Group Chat, Game/Cases Simulation.

Learning activities in the PJJ class and face-to-face classes have the same curriculum and achievements. So there is no difference in the quality of learning between online and offline classes, both have the same good quality. The students will also be guided directly by professional teachers and experts in their fields.

The curriculum that students can choose from is also diverse, including Ecopreneurship, Digital Marketing, Digital Talent Management, Corporate Finance, Finance Technology, and Digital Business Strategy. The curriculum for each specialization is designed to keep up with current digital and industry developments. So that graduates will have up-to-date abilities.

Interestingly, in the Master of Management PJJ students can hone analytical thinking and problem-solving skills using case-based learning methods. Students can discuss with lecturers to provide real insight so that it can be implemented to solve problems in cases in the world of work.

The PJJ Master of Management Program has also obtained an operational permit following the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1018/M/2020 regarding the permit for the Opening of the Distance Education Masters Program Management Study Program at Telkom University.

It is hoped that in the future, the Master of Management of PJJ Telkom University can be relied upon as an educational forum that is ready to respond to scientific developments that have spread to the digital world.

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