BANDUNG, Telkom University – Master of Management Program, School of Economics and Business (MM FEB) Telkom University undergo re-accreditation visitation by National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) with assessor Dwi Ratmawati, Hj. Dr., SE., M.Com., And Lina Salim, SE., MA., Ph.D., took place at MM FEB Gegerkalong Building, Bandung, on Friday (26/5).
The Dean of FEB Dodie Tricahyono, Ph.D explained that MM FEB has achieved A accreditation in 1996 and the international accreditation, there were The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st century organization (ABEST 21) in 2016.
“MM FEB is one of the oldest study program at Telkom University, until today many achievements have been achieved, and hopefully we can maintain the quality that we have achieved recently” he said.
The event which was attended by lecturers and staff of FEB Telkom University also attended the Vice Rector I academic field. Heroe Wijanto and Vice Rector III for national and international admissions. AMA Suyanto.
Dr. Assessor Dwi Ratmawati said this is a reaccreditation to confirm the form that has been received, hopefully this visitation runs fast and smoothly.
“Thank you for the welcome given by FEB Telkom University, we are here to confirm, hope everything goes smoothly” he said.