Mobile Apps Training for Persons with Visual Impairment

Telkom University through the School of Industrial Engineering (FRI) conducted the Community Service (Abdimas) activity in collaboration with the West Java branch of the Indonesian Visually Impaired Association (Pertuni). Abdimas aims to provide mobile application training for individuals with visual disabilities. The activity was held on November 10-12, 2022, at Wiyata Guna and Cicendo Eye Hospital, West Java.

The Vice Dean II of the School of Industrial Engineering, Dr. Ir. Luciana, also attended the first meeting between the School of Industrial Engineering and Pertuni, which was conducted online. She stated that the collaboration between the three institutions would hopefully inspire other parties to participate in helping to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities in Indonesia.

“It is very exciting to see this training being welcomed with joy and emotions from Pertuni. There is still plenty of room for improvement that we can develop to make programs like this even better in the future,” said Luciana.

She also emphasized that this Abdimas is only the first step towards building a greater synergy in the future between the School of Industrial Engineering and its role to provide direct benefits in the terms of scientific knowledge for people with visual disabilities.

The training of mobile apps for the visually impaired friends was accompanied by Tel-U students from the School of Industrial Engineering. After conducting desktop research for several weeks, the Tel-U Abdimas team discovered that several mobile apps for the blinds or visually impaired were urgently needed to be learned and, in collaboration with Pertuni, they immediately utilized the existing applications to assist the daily life of the visually impaired.

This community service is expected to provide a humanitarian perspective for Tel-U students by interacting directly with the visually impaired. This activity also opened appropriate research opportunities for the School of Industrial Engineering which directly contributes to providing solutions to the daily challenges faced by visually impaired people in Bandung, West Java.

Author: Abdullah Adnan | Editor: Daris Maulana | Photo: Public Relations

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