November 2020 CoCA: Leader’s Talk: ‘Heroism Values in the Digital Era’

Telkom University –Telkom University as the Best private campus in Indonesia continues to improve cultural values, one of which is through the Calendar of Culture Action (CoCA) cultural activation program. This program is organized monthly, and this November Calendar of Culture Action (CoCA) was held online through the ZOOM Meeting with the highlight of the Leader’s Talk activity entitled ‘Heroism Values ??in the Digital Era’.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as the Rector of Telkom University through his speech explained that culture is essential as a tool in achieving the vision and mission. We must cooperate, work together, collaborate, and maintain a sense of harmony.

“We must enjoy diversity, Bhineka Tunggal Ika will unite us. We must provide service excellence and one of them we can make it happen through unity, “he said.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya also added that through a broad perspective, we can respect each other’s importance for the existence of others. Everyone is a hero, we must be committed to being a hero for ourselves as well as for others around us.

Ir. Sindhu Aryanto, Chairman of the Telkom Foundation said that, in today’s digital era, all aspects of life have changed. The condition of the digital economy changes the behavior of everyday life.

“It is a challenge for all of us to contribute, work, innovate for the nation, and especially for the environment around us. Heroes in the digital era certainly have a deep meaning, and currently, the situation we face, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, demands that we become heroes to provide solutions for this nation, “he said.

There are many things we can do, one of which is to provide thoughts in answering the problems that occur. As academicians, we can implement it during learning and teaching.

The highlight of the event was a Leader’s Talk, presenting the speaker Aiman ??Witjaksono, an alumnus of Telkom University 1996 Industrial Engineering, as well as a Journalist News Anchor & Executive Producer of Kompas TV. Aiman ??explained that there are challenges in the digital world today, especially in terms of information dissemination.

“Everything will run digitally and some people think the benefits and effects are big. But in my opinion, there will be no effect if we only watch television without filtering the information conveyed, “he said.

Aiman ??also said that this is a great opportunity for Telkom University because the industry will need telecommunications. That way, the information will be easier to disseminate.

In the current era, the information conveyed even though it is a lie if it is conveyed continuously by many people or even buzzers, it will be considered true. The greater the influence, the untrue things will harm society.

“As well-educated people, our job is to convey valid information to anyone starting with those closest to us. This is our challenge amid the development of information technology. We must move, we cannot remain silent, we must provide literacy education to those who will become a potential market for anyone. “

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