PERBANAS Surabaya Delved the Transformation in Tel-U


BANDUNG, TEL-U – Some leaders, faculty and staff from STIE Perbanas Surabaya visited Telkom University (Tel-U) on Wednesday. (3/8). The delegation, led by the Chief of STIE Perbanas Dr. Lutfi, SE, M Fin, was welcomed by the Rector, Prof. Ir Tel-U Mochamad Ashari, MEng, PhD, and vice rector 3 (warek 3) Ir. AMA Suyanto MBA, DBA., Bangkit Building 5th floor Tel-U.

Chief of STIE Perbanas Dr. Lutfi, SE., M.Fin., said that the purpose of visitation is to learn the process of transformation that has occurred in Tel-U. “During this time, we never heard any conflict that occurred in Tel-U. Additionally, the rank of Tel-U achievement think are extraordinary until today “he said.

Lutfi also said he wanted to know how the four institutions such as Telkom Institute of Technology, Telkom Institute of Management, STSI Telkom and Telkom Polytechnic can be transformed into a university. “We also want to learn how aspects of quality assurance in Tel-U and how the management of human resources,” he said.

Lutfi added, Tel-U was able to manage human resources, especially the teachers that would like to write and do research. “Hopefully this become a lesson for a better future of us” Lutfi added.

Rector of Tel-U appreciate the visitation of STIE Perbanas Surabaya. “We are ready to help colleagues as well PERBANAS, here also we can learn together,” said Rector. (Purel / aw)

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