Prof. Adiwijaya Shares Knowledge of Being a Well Educated Society

ZOOM, Telkom University – Forming a Well Educated society is essential to advance the generation of the Indonesian nation that can bring this nation to become a developed country in the future.

The Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) in collaboration with the IEEE Indonesia Section organized a webinar series for the August 2020 edition. This webinar took place via Zoom Application on Thursday (27/8) entitled “Creating a Well-educated Society for Advanced Indonesia “.

The Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya was also present as a speaker. He explained that humans have adaptive traits, where humans can adapt to changes that occur around them.

“Nowadays, the development of industry 4.0, the industrial world changes rapidly. A lot of human labor has been replaced by automation, but we must be able to adapt to this progress because these changes will open at least 27 to 46 million new job opportunities, which The 10 million new jobs are unprecedented. ” He explained.

With this change, Prof. Adiwijaya added that to become a well-educated society several important points must be understood, because a well-educated society is an adaptive society.

“To become a well-educated society, we are required to always think creative and innovative. Then do continuous capacity improvement, where we have to do self-introspection and make improvements. The main basis is regulatory compliance, we must be aware that we have complied with the existing situation, and have obeyed the rules that are around us, this is our basis for obeying the rules, both rules that God created or the country and the environment create. ” He said.

Through these points Prof. Adiwijaya would like to give a message that to be a well-educated society, it must also be able to provide benefits to the surroundings because at best human beings are beneficial for other humans.

“Therefore, do your best for around us, because the future generations of the nation who are well educated will bring Indonesia to excel in the future.” He explained.


Prof. Dr. Wisnu Jatmiko as the coordinator of the MIK-DIK Fasikom UI program as well as the head of the IEEE Indonesia Section said that the event is aimed at sharing knowledge about the development of superior human resources in Indonesia. As well as fostering creativity and skills and innovation from academics.

“This event is organized regularly by Fasilkom UI, but during this pandemic, it is taking place online. We hope that this event can foster the enthusiasm of researchers to remain productive in innovating amidst this pandemic, as well as scientific updates on digital technology amid the COVID-19 pandemic. . ” He said.