QRIS: Digital Financial Transactions Media

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Bank Indonesia (BI) has launched the Indonesian Standard Quick Response Code (QRIS) in August 2019, according to the Head of the BI Payment System and Money Management System Group Sukarelawati Permana that QRIS will be implemented from January 1, 2020, to come.

“At present, there are 23 payment system service providers, both banks and non-banks that have obtained QRIS permits. Among Dana, Gopay, Link Aja, and Ovo. Later QRIS can be used as a transaction media that is connected with a credit card, ATM or debit card or electronic money instruments, “he said when opening the BI Talk event at the Damar Building Telkom University, Thursday (5/12).

In this event, Sukarelawati explained that QRIS carries the spirit of SUPERIOR (universal, easy, lucky, and direct). This aims to encourage transaction efficiency, accelerate financial inclusion, as well as one of BI’s responses in the face of the digital era.

“Today the industry is developing very fast, and through QRIS, Bank Indonesia must also apply standards in the digital payment process, which encourages transaction efficiency, accelerates financial inclusion, and is a response to the digital era,” he said.

Telkom University Rector Prof. Adiwijaya welcomed this activity, in his speech the Rector said that the payment system through digital was not new at Telkom University, now almost all canteens in Tel-U have used the link application.

“We hope that QRIS can immediately enter Tel-U, we welcome this change, and hopefully sharing activities today can be useful for all Telkom University academicians.” He explained.

With the theme “QRIS and Digitalization of Payments” the BI Talks event presented speakers Dian Aziza Damhart from BI, Hari Santosa Sungkari from the Creative Economy Agency, and Panji Mario Novriadi from LinkAja.