BANDUNG, Telkom University – Bangkit Building Telkom University that was established in 2011 takes the transformation, after development for more than 90 days of work, finally the new facility Telkom University completed, drop facility entrance is located in Bangkit Building Telkom University which is provided as first entrance for guest to Telkom University.
Drop Entrance Bangkit Building which was officially launched by Telkom University Rector, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, MEng, PhD., On Tuesday (14/3), which was attended also by the ranks of vice rector and faculty leaders.
“Telkom University currently continue to improve, starting from the academic system, financial, human resources, research, all of us continue to improve inside, and the infrastructure too, the improvement will leads us to the achievement of a world class university” said Rector.
Rector said, the transformation of Bangkit building this solely to provide a proper welcome to the guest who visit Telkom University and give a new face on Tel-U.
“Our academician continue to be grateful to this day is still given a chance to improve itself both education quality and infrstructure” he said.
The launching was marked with the inscription by Rector, as well as the the launched of a new employee’s attendance system in addition to using the card, can be done using Tcash absent, which was registered to the Information System.
Adrian Wiranata