BANDUNG, Telkom University – Took place in Gedung Bangkit, Lt.3, on Friday (11/8) Telkom University Rector Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng, Ph.D released 6 Telkom University employees who will performe Hajj.
6 Telkom University employees are Dr. Mamat Rokhmat, Ssi, MT., Estananto, ST, M.Sc, M.E., and Paramitha Aulia, S.Psi, M.Psi from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE). Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur, SH and Ir.Listyo Dwi Harsono MT from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the last is Sri Utami from the Faculty of Informatics (FIF).
“At this time we gather together here to pray for our colleagues who will perform the pilgrimage, may always be given the ease, health and smoothness during running the worship in the holy land until the return will become a hajj mabrur” said Rector.
Until this news was revealed Mamat Rokhmat and Paramitha Aulia were already in Madinah, and Listyo Dwi Harsono was preparing the administration for departure while Estananto preparing for departure on Saturday (12/8), so that also attend the joint prayer and release event is Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur And Sri Utami, where Helni will depart on 24 August 2017 while Sri Utami brangkat on 21 August 2017.
In front of the Rector and the ranks of Vice Rector Helni requested permission as well as prayer from colleagues of akadmika civitas Telkom University.
“Please pray for our colleagues Tel-U for our worship given smoothness and health so that it can become a mabrur hajj” he said.