Research Collaboration for Future Indonesian Development

ZOOM, Telkom University – Higher education as a place for the development of superior resources for the nation, not only human resources but also research and innovation are things that must be developed in Indonesia to make Indonesia an outstanding country in terms of research and innovation.

Indonesia as a country that has abundant natural resources has made this country has tremendous potential to develop research so that it can produce technology that can be useful for the people of Indonesia.

In the second webinar series organized by Telkom University (Tel-U) and the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) entitled Research and Innovation Cooperation for Indonesian Higher Education for a New Order, which took place online through Zoom, Tuesday ( 25/8).

Also attending as a speaker were Adhi Indra Hermanu, S.T., M.T., M.M. (Head of Sub Directorate of Basic Research, Directorate of Research and Community Service, Deputy for Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research Technology, and the National Research Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.

Adhi explained that currently there are 4 types of technology that need to be developed in Indonesia for the next 5 years. There are  first is the appropriate technology that can be directly utilized by the community; second, the researchers can produce technology that has value and can be commercialized, the third is the technology that able to replace imports and be able to increase TKDM, and the fourth is the technology frontier.

“Our country has natural resources that have the potential for technological development that can boost the nation’s economy, currently the focus of PRN research for 2020-2024 includes food, energy, health, transportation, engineering products, defense, and security, maritime, social, humanities, and multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral. “he said.

Of the nine research focuses set, Adhi added that from the research focus, 49 innovation products had been produced, and currently the ministry is focusing on 12 innovation results to continue to be developed.

“Of the 9 research focuses, 30 themes have been determined, and produced 49 innovative products, currently the government is focusing on 12 products to enter the consortium, including Indonesian modern medicine & stemcell, drone male” Elang Hitam “, Flat Plate Ship Transportation, remote sensing. satellite, processed food packaging, airplane N219A, salt industry, rice, corn and meat, battery for EV, Bio-Hydrocarbon, social humanities, and disaster management. ” He explained.

In a pandemic like today, the problems that occur around the world are the same, namely jointly solving the pandemic and getting up to build the economy again. Adhi said that currently there is an opportunity for all stakeholders to collaborate hand in hand to produce Health products to solve the COVID-19 problem.

“This research problem is not only for the fields of health and medicine, but there needs to be research collaboration between fields, both health, ICT and other fields because through collaborative research between fields we can jointly solve problems more efficiently both in terms of time and funds. . ” He said.

Vice-Rector IV for Research, Innovation, and Cooperation at Telkom University, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T. as the speaker in this webinar, invited UII and all universities in Indonesia to jointly develop research and innovation for the advancement of the Indonesian nation.

“As said by the Minister of Research and Technology, Prof. Bambang, that research collaboration is needed to jointly produce innovations from the nation’s children, so we (Tel-U) are very open to jointly establishing research collaborations, let’s give the best for the nation through innovations that we can create as the nation’s children. ” He said.

Currently, Telkom University has collaborated with thousands of universities, industry, and government both from within and outside the country in the fields of research and community service. Dr. Rina added that Tel-U is believed to be the first Telecom Infra Project (TIP) in Southeast Asia, which is supported by 650 operators from all over the world.

“We want to invite UII and all universities to collaborate on this project, in this laboratory we will develop telecommunication technology for the future and also develop the latest technology to advance digital and economic growth in Indonesia through testing open and disaggregated network technology. and provide validation based on TIP standards. ” He said.

Apart from the two speakers, the second webinar series also attended as speakers including Angga Rusdinar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. Director of Research and Community Service Telkom University, Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D. Vice-Rector for Networking & Entrepreneurship at the Islamic University of Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Is Fatimah, S.Si., M.Si. Researcher and Chair of the Department of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia.