Resolve Financial Distress in the Company

Resolve Financial Distress in the Company

BANDUNG, TEL-U โ€“ Dr. Farida Kristanti Point, SE., MSi lecturer at the School of Economics and Business Telkom University (FEB Tel-U) achieved a doctorate in management science in the courtroom doctoral, graduate building, 3rd floor, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Friday, (24/6).

Based on the dissertation entitled Survival Analysis of Company Experiencing Financial Distress: Empirical Study in Indonesia, Farida told us that financial distress can be bad for the company. “Financial distress if not be resolved it could result in bankruptcy that could have a negative impact if it happens to a lot of companies,” she said.

Session doctorate which lasted approximately three hours started from 13.00 to 15.00 WIB was led by Prof Dr Hj Ina Primiana, SE, MT, with members Prof Dr Ir Sudarso Kaderi W, DEA, Septiadi Padmafusastra, Ph D, and Mokhamad Anwar, SE, MSi., Ph.D. In the session Farida successfully got GPA of 4.00 and the predicate cum laude.

Through the short message text Farida said that the purpose of the study was to determined the survival time of a company. “My research purpose to determine what variables influence corporate governance, financial ratios and risk to the survival time of the company,” she said.

To colleagues who was studying S3, Farida advised to immediately finish the school. “Focus, focus and focus. That’s the main key in addition to prayer,” she said. (purel/aw)

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