Rigorous Studies from Big Data to AI, Research Center: Tel-U’s Digital Business Ecosystem

To realize a vision to be a research and entrepreneurial university, Tel-U through Research Center Digital Business Ecosystem (RC DBE) aims to develop knowledge and support the acceleration of the implementation of knowledge in business management.

The director of RC DBE, Dr. Dian Indiyati stated that RC DBE focuses on the development of social research and adopts a multi-disciplinary approach that is able to answer challenges of the future business world. To achieve this goal, RC DBE utilizes the latest methodologies and advanced technologies in the field of information and telecommunications.

“The acceleration of Telkom University’s vision can be achieved through routine activities done at RC DBE, including research, consultation, community services, and certification/training. All of these activities support the aspect of research and entrepreneurial university.” said Dian.

The routine activities which are held by RC DBE includes Big Data research, entrepreneurship, blockchain, Artificial Intelligent (AI), business management and community services consultation, and innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship certification and training. RC DBE will always adopt advanced technology in the coming years to support its main objective.

RC DBE is currently in the process of establishing the certification of International Human Resources Management (MSDM) and Digital Leadership Competence. Dian explained that the activities aim to meet the human resource needs of the industry and respond to global challenges in the future.

Dian expects RC DBE to be able to increase international collaboration in order to support the implementation of research and community services and to organize certifications and training in the fields that will be a megatrend in the future.

“We need to provide training and certification in the strategic fields that are currently becoming a global trend, such as Token Economy (Tokenomics), Blockchain Engineering, and Cybersecurity.” explained Dian.

Author: Abdullah Adnan | Editor: Daris Maulana | Foto: Public Relations

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