Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno Enlivened Bandung Creative Movement 2022

The School of Creative Industries (FIK) Telkom University (Tel-U) again held the 2022 Bandung Creative Movement (BCM) International Conference on Thursday (1/9) online via Zoom Meeting.

BCM is an international conference regularly held by FIK every year. Invite practitioners from various fields to discuss megatrends relevant to the current global situation. The theme raised in the implementation of the 9th BCM is “Sustainable Development in Creative Industries: Embracing Digital Culture for Humanities.”

The big idea in the Society 5.0 era is the optimization of community-centered creativity in using the creative industry, aiming to grow the economy and solve global problems.

In the 9th BCM, this time, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, BBA., MBA., also attended the event’s opening. He emphasized that the digital economy is a new force for a country to compete globally.

“The year 2022 shows a positive direction for Indonesia’s economic recovery. In this era, the digital economy has become a new force for a country. Indonesia, in this case, is the highest in Southeast Asia. The economic value will be around USD 70 billion in 2021. This has tremendous potential.” said Sandiaga.

He also said that currently, Indonesia has a movement called #BanggaBuatanIndonesia, a step by the government to encourage the digital transformation of local entrepreneurs in Indonesia by using e-catalogs.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, said that in solving global problems, we must be adaptive and prioritize efficiency, creativity, and high productivity.

“Creative activists, researchers, and engineers are responsible for building a good and safe life for the community. The application of knowledge converts existing resources into products and services that have selling value. So this can help economic recovery, especially Indonesia.” said the chancellor.

The conference allows delegates to exchange ideas and new application experiences firsthand, build business or research relationships, and find global partners for future collaborations.

Several Keynote Speakers attended this event, namely Dr. Arini Arumsari, S.Ds., M.Ds. / Telkom University; Dr. Mohd Asyiek Bin Mat Desa / USM Malaysia; Prof. Elisabetta Lazzaro / UCA Business School for the Creative Industries; Prof. Lia Vilahur Chiaraviglio / EU ERAM University of Girona UdG Spain / Dewa Made Weda Githapradana, S.Tr.Ds., M.Sn.; and Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Sc., M.M. / LSPR Institute of Communication & Business.

For information, the conference, which has been held annually since 2014, consists of three primary activities: the International Conference in the creative industry, the Creative Industry Professional Workshop, and the International Exhibition of Art and Design. Fifteen domestic and foreign universities attended this series of events.

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