Sandiaga Uno: A New Era of Economy Focusing on the Health, and Food UMKM Sector

5 Silaturahmi Online Halalbihalal 1441H Dialog Era Baru Kedaulatan Ekonomi NKRI YouTube Google Chrome 03 06 2020 13 52 24

BANDUNG, Telkom University – During this pandemic to boost the economy in Indonesia, several sectors must be encouraged, including the UMKM sector (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises), health, and food.

This was delivered by Sandiaga Uno as a speaker at a Halal bi halal event titled New Era of Economic Sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, virtually in Zoom Application, organized by Telkom University through the Industrial Engineering Alumni Association Class X (Tixers) in 1993, Wednesday (3/6).

“UMKMs are the backbone of this nation, we must save sectors of consumption today, such as traditional markets, food stalls, we must push for the economic sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia” said Sandi.

In addition to MSMEs, Sandi added that the food and health sector must also be improved, at this time Indonesia is capable of producing health equipment such as PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) independently.

“For those affected by the pandemic, it is advisable to start farming to meet daily needs, because after losing work, we still have to be able to meet the needs. Later, the results can utilize for other community needs. Let’s be part of economic development. Let’s build the economic sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. “He said.

Also present Elnino M Husein Mohi, the 1993 Alumni of Industrial Engineering Telkom University (STT Telkom at previous), a member of the House of Representatives Commission XI. Elnino said that during this pandemic the state of the Indonesian economy was experiencing deficit, the community was also experiencing economic difficulties, not only the lower middle class, but entrepreneurs and even banks were also experiencing difficulties.

“In my opinion besides protecting the sovereignty of the country, we must also safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the people towards themselves and their families, lest the people have to be in debt so that it will be difficult for the future.” He said.

Nino, his nickname, invited academics as technocrats to collaborate with the government (politicians, both executive and judicial) because the ideas born of academics are very different from the mindset of industry players.

“Many new ideas are born from the technocrats, it’s time for academics to contribute and collaborate with the government both executive and judiciary so that ideas that enter the government can vary not only from industry practitioners.” He said.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, said that at present Telkom University as a college that produces superior human resources for this nation, Telkom University is also ready to help develop MSMEs through innovations created by the academic community.


“Through this forum, not only as a forum for friendship, but we also collaborate as a form of our concern to jointly develop Indonesia to be better going forward. At present, our focus is to build far better human resources, as well as helping to develop technology through the best innovations for this nation. “He concluded.