Sangkuriang, Kipas Budaya at Tel-U

021116 Sangkuriang Kipas Budaya di Rumah Tel U1

BANDUNG, TEL-U – As part of improving the culture within the academic society, Telkom University (Tel-U) organized a house of culture that will refer to the Corporate Culture: The Telkom Way. The concept of aligning cultures in corporate environments PT Telkom with Tel-U.

Like a house, with a cultural foundation โ€“ always the best and has a philosophy to be the best โ€“ Tel-U should have a basic confidence to always give their best. In addition Tel-U have got to be the Star Principles by establishing three pillars, there are Solid, Speed ??and Smart. As the roof, Tel-U must acquire a Practice to be the winner on the basis PRIME (Professionalism, Recognition of Achievement, Integrity, Mutual Respect and Entrepreneurship).

This concept was reflected in the Kipas Budaya Telkom University entitled Sangkuriang, which was officially opened by Vice Rector 2, Ir Nelson Rikardo Pasaribu, SE, MM in Bangkit Building, 2nd Floor, Tuesday (1/11).

According to him, Kipas Budaya is a community formed by units that are managed by Culture Agent which is managed by Vice Dean 2, the directors and the head of the program to be supported by the role models of Tel-U Rector.

Vice Rector 2 added that Kipas is a place for daily expression of the employeeโ€™s behaviour inducing new way of working with the atmosphere of the Telkom Way. “So the meaning of Kipas is we mean able to create a work atmosphere that is comfortable and pleasant, nurturing the spirit behave Think-Talk-Write (TTW) in everyday life, as well as accelerate the achievement of the unit’s performance by creating a new way of working that is more smart and fast,” he said.

Sangkuriang name selected, because it has a sense of SAntun (manners), uNGgul (superior), Work passion for the UniveRsItas (University) and baNGgsa (nation). “This meaning expected to realize decent work environment in serving, and always excel in achievement, and high motivation on working. Thus, the international-class universities is not a dream anymore,” he said.

Sangkuriang Program will be given the names of food consisting of Seblak Pedas โ€“ Spicy Seblak (Selalu sEnyum dalam Bekerja Lebih bAiK daripada tidak PEka dan juDes dAlam menserviS โ€“ always a smile in the work better than insensitive in servicing), Ngopi STMJ (NGobrol bareng PsaqIkolog biar SemangaT kerja MaJu terus โ€“ group chat with PsaqIkolog let the spirit of work go forward), Batagor Asin (BAwa ranTAnG ke kantOR mAkan berSama Itu Nikmat โ€“ Bring a basket to the office eating together It favors), Sambel Tarasi (SHAring BersaMa LEader dengan TAmpilan yang seRASI โ€“ sharing joint leader with good performance), Cilor (CerIa berOlahRaga โ€“ cheerful exercise), and Soto Bandung (Sebar fOTO BAreNg tim Di rUaNG kerja โ€“ Scatter wefie team at workspace).

“The names of the foods used in Kipas Budaya program Tel-U that we all do not forget the goals and programs that we are living,” he said.

Tel-U Rector Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng., Ph.D. as a Role Model As well as a Change Leader officially declared the Kopas Budaya in order to realize PRIME in Tel-U. “The Kipas BUdaya to the rector has been activated, then the Kipas Budaya must be activated in each faculty, the aim is for fun while improving our performance and establish a culture houses Tel-U,” he said.

In this event also submitted Decree (SK) to each member and the Change Management Team and Culture Agent. Vice Rector 1 Dr. Ir. Heroe Wijanto, MT, representing Vice Rector 3 and 4 received the decree as a Change Management Team, then Warek 2 Nelson Rikardo Pasaribu, Ir, SE, MM as a Role Model as a Change Champions continued the Director of Admissions & International Office Rinna Fridiana representing the directorate, and Vice Dean 2 Faculty of Economics and Business Dr. Dadan Rahadian representing the entire faculty. (PR / AW)

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