Bandung, Telkom University – Telkom University annually runs a Student Exchange program. The program is continuously conducted to create a wide network among students and introduce Indonesian culture directly to overseas student. As conducted by School of Creative Industries (FIK) at the Fiber Culture Textiles Craft and Fashion An Exploration By Hands exhibition on Tuesday (2/5) at Idealoka Gallery, Telkom University.
Vice Dean II FIK, Dr. Ida Nurlida, on her speech revealed that Indonesian artwork, is a valuable souvenir for the students who join the student exchange program. “We appreciate and proud of them (overseas students), especially on the work they make and exhibit.” Ida said.
The Exbhition day is also a farewell for student exchange students, because they will back to their country for good. International Office Manager, Indah Fajarwati expected that they can rededicate what they have in Indonesia.
“We are so grateful that this program can be successful as the previous one, The returning moment can be a media for exchange student to implement they knowledge especially culture and art in Indonesia” said Indah.
At the end of the event, the exhibition is enlivened by a Semarang dance performance, Denok Deblong, one of the participants is an exchange student from Tunisia.