SEA Today Comes to Telkom University

10sea today hadir di telkom university

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University through the Communication and Business Faculty (FKB) Study Program in collaboration with SEA (Southeast Asia) Today held the SEA Today on Campus activity, which took place at the FKB Intata Building, Thursday (13/10).

The event was attended by a speaker, Aderia, Editor in Chief of SEA Today, and Rory Asyari, TV Presenter of SEA Today.

In her presentation, Aderia shared her experience as a journalist since 2001. Aderia explained many differences between journalists in the past and today. According to Aderia, journalists can now take advantage of many sources of information, one of which is social media.

“However, journalists today also have a weak level of accuracy because the sources are too broad. Apart from the sources and the level of accuracy, there are many differences between journalists then, and now, among others, journalists can have relatively cheap tools, enough to use a cellphone and create content.”

“In this activity, I would like to give a message to all students. Everyone can create content, but how the content must have positive values, know and be creative, following the event’s tagline, namely, be creative, be positive,” he said.

Awy Sirapurna Putra, the CEO of SEA Today, said that this activity is the first of SEA Today’s off-fair action, and it is hoped that students can increase their understanding of the world of broadcasting.

“SEA Today and Telkom University are brothers, where we (SEA Today) are also a subsidiary of PT. Telkom Indonesia, and we are very pleased to be able to hold our first event of the fair here,” he said.

In his speech, the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, appreciated this activity. For new study programs that are present at Telkom University, this is an opportunity to be able to learn directly from practitioners.

“I hope that students who attend this activity can be inspired by speakers from SEA Today because, in line with the tagline of this event, be creative, be positive. Hopefully, this activity can create a generation of people who can realize the dreams of the Indonesian nation.”

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