Seminar on Building Business Strategy from Product Innovation

Bandung Techno Park held a Seminar on Commercial Strategy for Innovation Products with ‘Building Business From Innovation Products.’ This activity was held on Thursday (21/4) through the ZOOM meeting. Director of Bandung Techno Park, Dr. Koredianto Usman, S.T., M.Sc., gave a speech with appreciation to all parties involved for holding a beneficial innovation seminar. This activity was attended by many participants from external and internal Telkom University.

At this innovation seminar, the speaker was Suryandaru, ST., MT., CEO of PT Nanotech Indonesia Global Tbk. Nanotech Indonesia Global is a company engaged in research and development technology services, materials engineering, and nanotechnology.

The speaker explained that product innovation is a step to creating new products that can meet the needs and desires of consumers.

“Nanotechnology is a technology based on material engineering, resulting in new functions that have never existed before. The size of 1 nanometer is 1 per one billionth of a meter, which means it is 50,000 times smaller than the size of a human hair,” explained Suryandaru.

In addition, Suryandaru explained that creativity is the key to producing product innovations that can interest consumers.

“The strategy of measuring opportunities must be carried out to produce innovative products to find out the advantages and disadvantages of our products in the eyes of consumers,” added Suryandaru.

According to Suryandaru, Bandung Techno Park has a somewhat important role in supporting the sale of innovative products. They can help provide treatment in direction, training, development, guidance, facilities, and capital to new companies to be better prepared to start their business.

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