SES Tel-U Team Became Grand Champion at English Challenge 2016


BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) re-carved the brilliant achievement in the national competition. At Gemasi English Challenge 2016 organized by the English Department Student Center Padjadjaran University, a team of Student English Society (SES) Tel-U managed crowned as Grand Champion.

On this competition, SES Tel-U followed three of four contested categories. Of the three categories, SES Tel-U team won a championship in two categories, 1st Speech Competition achieved by Ranna Artha Jayanti (ICT Business 2012) and 1st Paper Presentation achieved by Rexy M. Aji Mahatidana (ICT Business 2014). As for the debate team A SES Tel-U consisting Ayu Renata Haniyeh and Anak Agung Putra Adi Kesava Esa managed to become Grand Finalists in the category Debate Competition.

The Gemasi English Challenge is an annual event organized by the Centre of English Department Student, University of Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung at National level. This competition was held at Padjadjaran University campus and lasted from Saturday – Sunday (8-9 / 10).

In the category of Speech Competition, Ranna Artha Jayanti won a championship after appearing to bring the topic of “How to Change the World”. Chairman of the Public Relations SES Tel-U, Renata Ayu Haniya said during the contest, Ranna not face any difficulty. “For a topic used is an up to date topic, so it is not difficult to deliver,” he said, Monday (10/10).

While in the category Paper Presentation Competition, M. Aji Rexy Mahatidana won a championship after presented his paper entitled “Home Improvement as a Social Awareness to Help Indonesia to be a More Competitive Nation”. In this paper Rexy raised social awareness in improving English language skills to make Indonesia become more competitive in terms of international competition.

As for the category Debate Competition, debate team A SES Tel-U consisting Ayu Renata Haniyeh (Business Administration 2014) and the Agung Kesava (Telecommunication Engineering 2015) made it through to the final stage. Only in this final stage, the debate team A SES Tel-U have to lose by a joint team from the Bandung Institute of Technology and Padjadjaran Universtas.

With this achievement, the team of SES Tel-U have won the title Grand Champion. Renata said, the acquisition Winner of this can be achieved for each representative of SES who participate in this competition already passed through intensive training in the competition. “So all the delegations of SES Tel-U already had a good preparation during the competition,” he said.

SES Telkom University also sent several delegations to this competition, among others Aulia Indana (Telecommunication Engineering 2015) in the Speech Competition, Abyan Arief (Computer Science 2015) and Wisdya Pratama (Informatics 2015) in Paper Presentation, and Rachel Caroline (D3 telecommunications 2015) and Tubagus M. Reza (telecommunication Engineering 2015) in Debate Competition. (Purel / ead)

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