Share the Excitement of August 17 in Tel-U


BANDUNG, TEL-U โ€“ The Anniversary of Republic of Indonesia incomplete without the unique competitions which held annually. Similarly, it was happen in the campus of Telkom University (Tel-U). Academicians, ranging from the Rector to students blend in a festive contest held after the flag ceremony.

After a solemn flag ceremony of the 71 RI Anniversary which held in the parade ground of School of Informatics (FIF), academicians gathered at the same place to show off their strength, speed, agility, and compactness. Each representative faculty or units under the vice rector develop a strategy to win the competition.

Starting with the punch in the bottle competition, the participants begin to share the joy. Shouts of encouragement, applause sign of support, to laugh off when winning the fight incessantly sounded in the square. Followed by next competition such as the sack race, racing clog, and tug of war.

Tel-U Rector Prof Ir Ashari Mochamad certainly do not want to miss this moment. Together with Vice-Chancellor 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the deans, rectors come drifting in the fun. All late in the spirit of the beloved country’s birthday.

Having lasted for about three hours, the race concluded with distribution of prizes for the winners, and do not forget to take pictures together. Happy birthday Indonesia, more prosperous nation! (Purel / raf)

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