Sharpening Communication Ability with Voice-Over Talent: Astrid Santoso

Career 101

ZOOM – Telkom University International Class organized a workshop entitled Career 101: Armed Yourself with Communication Skills, on Friday (5/15). This workshop aims to prepare ourselves and sharpen our abilities, especially in communication skills.

The speaker was a Voice-Over Talent, Astrid Santoso, an experience Voice-Over practitioner with a significant portfolio. Her talent has been widely used by renowned companies/agencies such as Bandung Planning Gallery, PGN, PGAS Solution, DPMPTSP, Central Java Bank, PT KAI, and many more.

Astrid is also active in radio broadcasting as an announcer on Phi Radio Disdik Jabar. Seeing a myriad of experiences and careers, Astrid Santoso is practically a specialist in the field of communication. Luckily, she is going to share some knowledge on how to sharpen the skills in the field of communication in this workshop.

Astrid explained that communication is an important element that is needed in various fields of work by anyone. How to deliver the messages well and easily understood is one of the keys to success in establishing collaboration and good persuasion.

Astrid also understands that some students experience nervousness when speaking in front of the class during presentations and that situation is common.

“The important thing is how we can control our nervousness; each person has a different way. For me, diverting attention before making a presentation like watching a funny video is a simple help. Also, breathing deeply can help flow oxygen to our brains. “Astrid explained.

The enthusiasm of Tel-U academicians in participating in the workshop was so great; it can be seen from the number of participants that reached 90 participants in the Zoom Meeting. The participants came from various faculties, showing that Tel-U academicians eager to sharpen their communication skills.