Students of IKOM FKB Become a Champion in Journalism Festival 2015

Juara Festival Jurnalistik 2015

BANDUNG, TEL-U – Students of FKB Tel-U become a champion again. Two delegates from Tel-U won 1st and 2nd in Journalism Festival 2015 in Citizen Journalism category. This event organized by Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP) Tuesday-Wednesday (5-6 / 5). 1st place won by Kevin Sephtama Kurnianto while 2nd place achieved by Dena Novita Rosiana and Ridho Robby. They are students of Communication Studies.

Kevin explained, his citizen journalism video lift some villages that have a special uniqueness in Jogjakarta. Among these Cyber village where average citizens use the internet to help their daily activities. “The village even those Jogja people themselves less informed,” he said.

Kevin created the video not only by himself. He assisted by his team of Retno Wulandhari H, Bella Grace, and Belladina Rizky R. They are also students of Communication Science.

In contrast to Dena and Ridho, they raised the video on the theme of preparation for Asian-African Conference 2015 in particular Cikapundung East Park preparation. “We lifted the start of preparations for the construction to be used for what Cikapundung East Park,” said Dena.

According to her, the theme was taken because the event coincided with the Asian-African Conference 2015 to be held in the city of Bandung. (Purel / EAD)

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