Tabligh Akbar: Building a Generation of Muslims for Future Indonesia

Tablight Akbar

Telkom University organized Tabligh Akbar with the theme “Building a Muslim Generation for a sustainable Indonesia. The event was held on Thursday (2/7) online via the Zoom application and aired live on YouTube University Telkom Channel.

This grand tabligh was attended by all 700 University Telkom employees and lecturers and presented Prof. Dr. K.H. Haedar Nashir, M.Si, General Chairperson of Muhamaddiyah Central Leadership.

The event opened by the reading of Surah Al Isra verses 85-90 and continued with remarks delivered by Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya as Chancellor of Telkom University. In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya said that this event was a routine recitation of the month which aimed to strengthen and strengthen the friendship.

“I hope that during this pandemic we are always healthy, of course, physical health is also very much determined by spiritual health. So, in this case, I am very confident this study can inspire us and lead to blessings for all of us,” he said.

Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya also said that Telkom University was present to contribute to the country, one of which was informing superior HR. Not only teach hard skills that are useful for science and technology, but we must become role models in building good morals that can inspire especially to students.

As the best private campus in Indonesia, Telkom University continues to improve itself, both students, lecturers, and alumni. It is reflected in the activities according to the focus of Telkom University in the field of Research and Entrepreneurial. Students are the leaders of this nation, so to build a generation of Muslims for progressing Indonesia, this is a suitable theme raised in this Tabligh Akbar event.

In this activity, Prof. Dr. K.H. Haedar Nashir said that we are in an academic environment that has an inspiration and a religious spirit so that it raises the theme ‘Building a Muslim Generation for Progressing Indonesia’. This religious inspiration is also directly related to the values ??of national orientation so that we have a solid footing as a pillar of the nation based on the academic world.

“In Islam, there are a lot of value as well as a function about the figure of the Muslim generation, about the identification of the Muslim generation, about the format of the Muslim generation,” he said.


In the dimension of morality or goodness is called Qurrota โ€˜Ayyun. Our daily prayers in Surah Al-Furqan verse 74 are prayers that are one universe too. The prayer is to ask for education that can be the jewel of hearts and leaders of Muslims in the future. The Qurrota Generation โ€˜Ayyun is a pleasing generation, a generation that satisfies parents and society with deep meaning.

The Qurrota ‘Ayyun generation was born from Islamic values ??that teach noble and devoted morals to obligatory parents because psychologically and sociologically the love of parents to their children is so great but often the love of children to parents is not that big so that they serve people old is obligatory.

“Just one dimension of Qurrota Ayyun will be a connector for future generations because it is good at caring for family buildings and this also affects the concept of a Muslim family that is sakinnah, mawwadah, warahmah. The concept of a Muslim family does not mean a family without problems, but families that can solve problems. Enough or not enough about sustenance, in this family always creates a feeling of satisfaction in the heart. ”

From the concept of this Muslim family will be born generation of Qurrota โ€˜Ayyun, it is not possible Qurrotaโ€˜ Ayyun was born from a family that suffered damage, must have been born from a Muslim family that must be cared for by us. The family is the most expensive treasure, so the term appears

“My family is my heaven”, we must create it by complementing each other strengths and weaknesses.

Prof. Dr. K.H. Haedar Nashir also explained that in Islam there is the concept of Ulul Albab related to education. Ulul Albab is a person who has a clear mind and mind. Ulul means to have and Albab comes from Lub or Qalb which means the deepest heart, starch extract from something that is in Qalb or our heart, soul, and mind.

“In the Koran, the characteristics of Ulul Albab are found in Surah Ali Imran verses 190-191. Ulul Albab is a person who always thinks but also dhikr because he always remembers Allah with all his power including our knowledge, “he said.

There is some knowledge that we cannot surpass so that the Divine dimension exists in the generation of Ulul Albab. As smart as we are as humans, in the sky, there is still sky. Then we must not be arrogant with the knowledge we have.

Likewise, with power, as powerful as any person in power, that power remains limited. So when we are in power, do good so that after we leave that power, people will remember it.

Prof. Dr. K.H Haedar Nashir also added that science makes us beautiful so we must make science useful. Islam appreciates knowledge, it can be seen from the first revelation revealed is a science contained in Surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5.

“Islam was born as rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin to build civilization, so it is necessary for the generation of Ulul Albab whose brain and heart live with noble morals.”


Prof. Dr. K.H. Haedar Nashir advised that we can live a life full of optimism and gain the blessings of Allah. With knowledge and through our roles including in the academic field. There must be a desire to educate students as the next generation of the nation.