Tel-U and OJK Improve Student Financial Literacy

Bandung, Telkom University – To rise-up the understanding related to financial literacy and encourage the growth of investors in Indonesia, Tel-U, through the School of Economics and Business (FEB), organize a talk show entitled ‘Investing in the Capital Market for the Zillenial Generation’ on Monday (24/10) in Lt. Hall. 5 FEB.

Vice Chancellor for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti said that Tel-U students must have good insight into the financial world. According to her, this is a field that cannot be separated from everyday life.

“Understanding financial literacy early can build saving habits and good financial planning. Furthermore, we can identify and invest in financial products that can benefit us in the future. I hope the students here can get benefits that can be applied later.”

Also attending was the Head of OJK Regional 2 West Java, Indarto Budiwitono as the regulator, regretting that many Indonesians are still easily ensnared by fraudulent investments due to their shared understanding of financial literacy.

“Indonesian people are still easily tempted by instant and fast results, so they ignore the risks. The inability to measure risk & reward is caused by the low level of financial literacy in Indonesia. Through this talk show, we hope friends can again convey the benefits to other families and friends.”

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