Tel-U Back to Online Internal Audit

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Improving the quality of higher education is the main concern of Telkom University. Telkom University is going through an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) for the second time. Where at this AMI, a preparatory audit will be carried out in welcoming ISO 20000-1: 2018, 27001: 2013, and ISO 21001: 2018.

At the opening meeting of AMI II which took place online, the head of Telkom University’s Internal Audit Unit (SAI), Roswan Latuconsina explained that the purpose of AMI II this time was to check the readiness of each directorate and faculty at Tel-U to meet ISO standards 21001: 2018 in the context of certification.

“Also, we also want to check the integrity level of the Directorate of Information Technology Center (PUTI) and supporting units against the requirements of ISO 2000-1: 2018 in the context of auditing surveillance and checking the readiness of the PUTI directorate for compliance with ISO 27001: 2013 standards.” He explained.

AMI is routinely organized by Telkom University to improve, and to produce a good quality of education. According to Roswan, Tel-U routinely organized AMI twice a year, and the first AMI was successfully held last April, and the second in this December.

“This second AMI will take place from December 1, 2020, to December 11, 2020, which is because, considering the current worrisome condition of the COVID-19 pandemic, we carried out this activity online, and thank God the first AMI was successfully carried out online.” He explained.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. When opening this activity, Adiwijaya said that getting ISO is important, it is not for fun, but more than that this is a form of quality assurance for Telkom University to continue to provide the best for the community.

“With good quality, we want to make the best quality education of Telkom University to be superior, not only as a label but to provide benefits to the community and all stakeholders, because what we are doing right now will also provide the best for the quality of education in Indonesia. ” He said.

It should be noted that ISO 20000-1: 2018 is a requirement for organizations to establish, implement, maintain and continue to improve a service management system (SMS), and ISO 27001: 2013 is an international standard in implementing an information security management system or also commonly known as Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). And ISO 21001: 2018, is an educational organization management system adapted from ISO 9001: 2015. This standard is specially prepared for the education sector in achieving its goals and carrying out its main function, namely providing quality education.

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