BANDUNG, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) through the Agency for Development of Education (BPP) organized the Seminar and The Award Night of Propaganda Against Corruption Competition 2016 which was held in Mioussu building Hall, School of Economics and Business (FEB) Tel-U Saturday (3/12).
This third year’s event aims to encourage the awareness and spirit of anti-corruption to the students, creating an environment Care to Share the behavior of the spirit of anti-corruption in Indonesia, fostering a culture of competition and strengthen unity among the Tel-U academic community and develop role models of interesting anti-corruption education for students.
The speakers for seminar included Dr. Bibit, MM, former Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Dr. Wawan Wardiana Coordination and Supervision Coordinating Unit (Korsup) Prevention Commission KPK.
According to the BPP Manager, Dr. Majidah, the event themed “Smart Student, Student of Integrity” was motivated by Indonesia corruption perception index is below 50 which is about 32-36. In other words it is a crucial problem that the President issued on Presidential Instruction No. 17/2011 on Corruption Eradication Action Prevention and actionable through circulars Director General of DIKTI 1016 / E / T / 2012 on anti-corruption education.
“Through a circular letter of Higher Education, the state and the private higher education are required to organize educational anti-corruption on their curriculum, so Tel-U build character anti-corruption education based Student Center Learning (SCL),” said manager BPP Dr. Majidah.
In addition to seminars, the event also enlivened by various competitions as in previous years. Majidah explained that from 596 applicants there are about 582 entered into nine competition categories ranging from poetry, writings, short stories, short films, copyright jingles, posters, comics, photography and the latest public service ads. “This year the work of most of the category of the poster competition with the number 184 then there are poems with 170 works,” he said.
From this competition will be generated each winner from each category and the overall winner as well as faculty with the largest number of works. “This year the School of Economics and Business won the Grand Champion by winning six championship and the School of Communication and Business (FKB) tel-U as the most participants which sent their work, include as many as 239 works,” she said.
From this event she hope beloved campus is not just a place to transfer knowledge, but also a land of Integrity. “In keeping with our goal hopefully from here we can encourage the anti-corruption awareness and soul to the students, as well as creating an environment Care to Share the spirit of anti-corruption behavior in Indonesia,” she said. (PR / AW)