Bandung, Telkom University โ Seeing the leaders of Tel-U gathering together with alumni and students on Saturday morning is a memorable sight, they are talking and discussing, asking the news and giving each other positive vibes. These academic civitas gathered in a new cafรฉ located behind the public Lecture building (GKU) or the Pineapple Temple, the name of the cafรฉ is Tel-U Coffee.
“Tidak dapat dipungkiri untuk menjadi kampus yang besar, serta sustainable itu membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Sehingga langkah-langkah menciptakan endownment fund perlu kita persiapkan sejak dini. Seperti Tel-U Coffee ini, menjadi sebuah ruang untuk ajang silaturahmi seluruh sivitas akademika.” sambut Rektor Tel-U, Prof. Adiwijaya, setelah peresmian berlangsung.
Entering the Tel-U Coffee, the Akademika is sure to feel a different architectural atmosphere. Unique and fun, all encapsulated in a compact, simple but not leaving the futuristic side. All designed by our colleague from faculty of Creative industries precisely Interior design study Program. Shows that the academic competence of Tel-U can compete in the industry.
Let us support the development of this Tel-U Coffee in the future, so that we can be a part of cultivating the growth of Telkom University in the future.