Tel-U Lecturers Implement Responsive Design Strategies in Al-Ikhlas Kindergarten in Welcoming Onsite Learning New Normal

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Dosen Tel-U Implementasi Strategi Desain Responsif di TK Al-Ikhlas Dalam Menyambut Pembelajaran Tatap Muka New NormalBandung, Telkom University – Lecturers from the School of Creative Industries (FIK) and the School of Applied Sciences (FIT) collaborated in community service activities (ABDIMAS) which were held at TK Al-Ikhlas which is located on Jl. Gunung Batu no. 123, Bandung on Tuesday (5/1). ABDIMAS activities include School Bench Grants and Graphic Markings as a responsive design strategy according to the current New Normal conditions.

The development of the spread of Covid-19 not only poses a risk for the elderly but also for children because of their immature immune systems. Spaces that involve high interpersonal interaction such as schools are considered to be at risk as a container for this transmission. Parents of Kindergarten Teacher Education (PGTK) students felt this concern, so they were still hesitant to go back to school.

Based on previous problems, a solution is needed so that interactions and behavior can be structured according to the Health Protocol. Interior design science and visual communication design play a big enough role in contributing to spatial patterns as a design strategy that is responsive to New Normal conditions.

Some considerations in design solutions at Al Ikhlas Kindergarten School include paying attention to Wayfinding and Furniture Design in the form of tables and dividers between kindergarten students to minimize direct contact among students. It is hoped that the layout pattern is not only ergonomic, but the accuracy of achievement and safety distance can also provide strategic and solution design solutions. With an interesting infographic for toddlers, it can lead to healthy and safe behavior and behavior during the transition period to create a comfortable and healthy learning atmosphere.

“The bench furniture design and graphic markers at this school can be the best solution for living the ‘new normal’ era and minimize the spread of the virus so that teaching and learning activities can be carried out properly. PGTK Islam Al Ikhlas will later become a role model for other kindergartens when this project is completed. ” said the head of the ABDIMAS team, Titihan Sarihati, S.Sn., M.Sn., M.Ds.

This project takes about three months, from September to December 2020. During that period, it includes several stages such as Pre-Production, Production, Installation, to handover to TK Al-Ikhlas.

The principal of the PGTK Al Ikhlas school, Mrs. Ade, expressed her deepest appreciation and was proud to be a partner of Telkom University in realizing this project.

“Alhamdulillah, it is extraordinary for the ABDIMAS activities from Telkom University. We are very happy and proud to have been an extraordinary partner in supporting the Face-to-Face Learning Activity Program at Al Ikhlas Islamic Kindergarten as an institution that is active in educating the nation’s children, especially Early Childhood during the Covid Pandemic -19. “

The entire team that is part of the ABDIMAS project is led by Mrs. Titihan Sarihati., S.Sn., M.Sn, M.Ds with members: Santi Salayanti S.Sn., M.Sn., Siti Deshinta, S.Sn. , M.Sn, Rangga Firmansyah S.Sn., M.Sc, Rahmat Hidayat SE., MM, Leni Cahyani. S. Sos.i., MM and assisted by the students provided solutions by redesigning the layout and layout of classrooms, designing furniture, and designing a graphic system that can be adaptive to the conditions of the ‘New Normal’ period.

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