Tel-U Presents the Best Information Systems Master’s Program in Indonesia

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Telkom University has opened the Information Systems Masters Study Program this year. The study program discusses computing science a lot by combining technology-based management and operations in an organizational and social system by taking into account the development of innovation and market needs.

With its main vision ‘By 2025 become the best Information Systems Masters Study Program in Indonesia by organizing the Tridarma of Higher Education in synergy with industry problems and the needs of start-ups to encourage information system-based economic growth guided by the values ??of Pancasila’, the Study Program it offers a wide range of opportunities for students. Both in terms of increasing competition and also readiness in trying and working. Meanwhile, with the mission of ‘Organizing quality graduate education and teaching based on aspects of Digital Transformation and Governance based on the values ??of Pancasila’, so that it will provide innovative and competitive advantages for students in practice and application in the industry later.

Muharman Lubis, Ph.D.IT as the Head of the Information Systems Masters Study Program explained several advantages in detail compared to the study programs offered by other campuses. “During the lecture process, the standards drawn up in the teaching process will adapt to the content and materials of several professional associations engaged in information systems based on certification standards such as ISACA and PMI. In addition, curriculum standards are also aligned with the national accreditation of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the Association for Higher Education Informatics and Computers (APTIKOM), as well as referring to ABET international standards by conducting PO (Program Outcomes) – LO (Learning Outcome) based mapping,” he explained.

“To provide great opportunities for students, the Information Systems Master’s Program at Telkom University also accommodates the Merdeka Campus concept by providing students with a choice of learning schemes through WRAP Entrepreneurship, WRAP Researchship, and WRAP Internship which is equipped with international certification Database and Security Specialist or IS Consultant. Meanwhile, the course assignments given to students are also adjusted to the real problems faced by related industries or case studies based on active and participatory learning.”

During the lecture process, teaching will be carried out interactively and applied through the CeLOE (Center for e-Learning and Open Education) Learning Management System, which will be combined with public lectures with speakers from practitioners as well as industry visits by utilizing the wide network of BUMN and start-ups. -up results of incubation Bandung Techno Park (BTP) in the field of information systems. Meanwhile, the concentration of specialization that students can choose includes Digital Governance, Digital Enterprise, Digital Business, and Digipreneurship which will be provided through several elective courses that can provide flexibility and motivation in understanding the problem more deeply. For class schedules, prospective students do not need to worry because they can adjust by choosing the time based on the Regular class on Monday to Thursday or deciding on the Executive class which is held on Friday and Saturday.

Muharman Lubis also said that the information systems master’s program pays attention to the career path for its graduates by looking at the very fast development of the digitalization era by fostering and developing networks not only with industry and academia but also through the alma mater of Telkom University as a whole. Therefore, the focus on character building, analytical skills, and good communication skills based on corporate data governance competencies must be carried out routinely in forming a strong and confident personality. This will be done through all courses taught in this study program, both compulsory and elective courses.

“In line with the focus of the Bachelor of Information Systems study program related to data mining, several master’s courses are also synergized so that the learning process becomes easier by being more focused on practice and discussion which is of course based on existing best practices according to the concept of IT as an enabler as the framework.”, he added.

With the opening of the Information Systems Masters Study Program, it is hoped that it will be able to realize the dreams of students to study at an advanced level to gain intelligence in treading big steps in the future to work and achieve by getting a decent life according to the mandate of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Thus, selfless dedication and effort are needed by all parties, wherein general Telkom University has stated that it is fully committed to making it an integrated and sacred part, a form of devotion to the beloved nation and country of Indonesia. Also, for the sake of the contribution that educational institutions must make sustainably to educate the nation’s life.

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