Tel-U Promotes Anti Gender-based Violence Awareness

Tel-U Tumbuhkan Kesadaran Anti Kekerasan Berbasis Gender

BANDUNG, Telkom University – Lecturers of Telkom University organized a collaboration to carry out one of the dharmas, which is Community Service (PKM). The internal collaboration consists of lecturers of Bachelor of Communication Science, School of Communication and Business and Master of Design, School of Creative Industries.

The community service collaborated with Indonesian Teacher School (SGI) with the agenda of ‘The content creation of Anti Online Gender-based Violence Awareness (KBGO) campaign’, which was held online on January 17, 2023.

The event consisted of 3 internal teams with each team led by Alila Pramiyanti, Ph.D., Dr. Iis Kurnia, and Dr. Ira Wirasari. According to Alila, the community service was carried out to initiate an online campaign event as a form of sex education and digital literacy to prevent any online gender-based violence.

“The online gender-based violence was often experienced by the younger generation who are currently attending school. Therefore, we collaborated with SGI as an institution for teacher leadership development committed to empowering and improving the quality of teachers. As a result, the teachers are able to socialize the Anti KGBO awareness through learning materials in schools.” said Alila.

Alila shared that at first, the community service team in Telkom University spread a survey to teachers in order to map issues related to KBGO that students often experience. The result shows that the issues often found by the teachers include sexting, cyberstalking, and malicious distribution.

“After that, we held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with SGI and decided to choose the issue of sexting as our main message that will be delivered in the campaign. Sexting itself is something that is often acted out by today’s teens and is a form of KBGO in which it can be defined as the act of sending, receiving or sharing, and exhibiting messages or sexually explicit and pornographic images through the internet network, particularly through social media platforms.” shared Alila.

In order to construct the Anti KBGO campaign content, the two study programs collaborated to construct the message and design the animated characters that would be used as the main character of the campaign. The animated character itself is associated with the relationship with parents (father and mother) and child (both girls and boys) with the reason that adolescents are vulnerable to being a KBGO victim and still require the intervention of family, especially parents, to guide and direct children in their social life.

“Through the message, the anti KBGO campaign is expected to be an interactive space between teachers, parents, and students to ensure that the students can establish healthy social interactions in virtual spaces.” explained Alila.

The community service event supports the SDG in the Gender Equality category. In the future, the event is hoped to be an event that becomes an ongoing activity to socialize the anti KBGO campaign content to realize a well-literated society.

Author: Adrian | Editor: Daris Maulana | Foto: Doc FKB

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