Tel-U Ready to Support the Technological Independence through Smart Card Consortium

Smart Car

SOLO, TEL-U – Rector of Telkom University (Tel-U), Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari M Eng, PhD, asserted that ready to support technological independence through the development of a Smart Card Consortium which was jointly developed by the National Research Council (DRN), three colleges and five companies.

“Indonesia needs technological independence, which means the technology, from research to production controlled by nationโ€™s children. Regarding from that point, Telkom University with the consortium of universities and industry, supported by National Research Council and the Ministry of Communication initiated the development of Smart Card in Indonesia, “he said in the middle of the MOU signed (Memorandum of Understanding) in Solo, Central Java, on Tuesday (9 / 8).

Research Centre for ICT Business, said Rector, was assigned as the executor of cooperation establishment of this consortium. While the topic of smartcard selected partly because of the current smart card has been used in some aspects in society such as e ID cards, education access. It was massively need and has been widely applied in the community.

“This consortium assigned to encourage the universities and industry involved to enhance the smart card innovation and application program to be used on campuses all over Indonesia,” he said.

The signing of this MoU was held prior to the convening of a National Seminar on the theme “Synergy of Higher Education, Research and Business through Innovation for Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Nation” at the same Plenary Session of the National Research Council on 2016 and commemorate National Technology Awakening Day.

The event also attended by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Prof Muhammad Nasir, PhD, Akt., Former president of Indonesia and also the initiator of the National Research Council, Prof. BJ Habibie, Chairman of the National Research Council, Dr. Ir Bambang Setiadi IPU, as well as members of the Regional Research Council.

The three universities are involved with Tel-U in this consortium were Bandung Institute of TEchnology (ITB), University of Indonesia (UI), and the University of Hasanuddin (UNHAS). While the five companies involved such as PT. Industri Telekomunikasi INdonesia (PT Inti), PT Xirka Silicon Technology, PT Data Aksara Matra (PT DAM), PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera (IBS), and PT Versatile.

The consortium began with the development of smart card (Smart Card) that has been through various meetings and discussions facilitated by DRN. The result, among others, the commitment of each university involved to implement the results in the smartcard prototype learning system on campus.
Smart Card can later be used among others to access academic data, payment at a cafeteria or canteen, the presence of students in the classroom, lecture hall management, access to the room, monitoring the activity of the campus, as well as the use of locker and letters (mailbox). (Purel / raf)

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