JAKARTA, TEL-U – Telkom University (Tel-U) selected as favorite university in the Online Scholarship Competition (OSC) in 2016 organized by the ten Private University (PTS) in cooperation with MetroTVNews.com. Tel-U won 25 percent of the total of 28 099 applicants, ie 7213 people.
Tel-U Rector, Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari, MEng, PhD, expressed his appreciation for this acquisition. According to him, the OSC MetroTVNews.com program was very remarkable, it shows from participants who come from all area around Indonesia.
“Congratulation for all scholars of OSC MetroTVNews.com especially those who apply to Telkom University. Later, I am sure MetroTVNews.com will received more and more,” said Rector after giving scholarships symbolize to the 20 winners who accepted as Tel-U student at the awarding night, Monday (5/12).
Online Scholarship Competition (OSC) 2016 was initiated by MetroTVNews.com by unifying best 10 PTS in three cities such as Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta. OSC present to provide facilities for Indonesian the scholarship in each PTS.
Besides Tel-U, nine other PTS also join in this program, there are University of Al Azhar Indonesia, Mercu Buana University, Multimedia Nusantara University, Pelita Harapan University, Trisakti University, National Institute of Technology (ITENAS), Maranatha Christian University, University of Ahmad Dahlan, and Duta Wacana Christian University.
A number of stages start from registration, online tests are carried out simultaneously, and the last document selection is offline test conducted on Monday (5/12), in Ballroom Kuningan City Jakarta. Written test (offline test) was attended by 50 participants of the best PTS that had passed the previous stage, to have 20 people who are eligible to receive a scholarship from OSC 2016.
Awarding Night was held with great fanfare, enlivened by the motivator Merry Riana, band performance, and the welcoming speech from Directors of Metrotvnews.com/Metro TV, Higher Education, National Education and representatives of the campus rector. (ADM / PR / RAF)