Tel-U Student Team Crowned As Best of The Best at Innovillage 2022

Bandung, Telkom University – Telkom University once again hosted the announcement of the results of the Social Project competition, Innovillage 2022, an activity in collaboration with the Community Development Center of PT. Telkom Indonesia with Telkom University has spawned several innovations and solutions that have social and community impacts.

The activity which took place on Friday (16/12) at the Damar Tel-U Building Auditorium carried the theme Young Heroes in Action: Empowering Young Sociopreneur for National Development with the #DigitalUntukAll campaign.

At the 2022 Innovillage Award, several innovations from Telkom University students won prestigious titles in several categories. One of the innovations that became Best of the Best and Best Earth/Green Conservation at Innovillage 2022 is entitled ‘Automatic Tea Garden Watering with Renewable Energy (Solar Panels) to Facilitate the Productivity of Tea Plantation Farmers in West Java Province’.

Another innovation from the Telkom University Team which became the 2nd Runner Up was in the Digital Social Solution category, ‘Easy and Fun Learning Application to Help the Learning Process of Children with Mental Disability’. As well as the 2nd Runner Up in the Economic Solution VR category, ‘Dewina Virtual Reality and Digitalization of the Pineapple Madu Tourism Village in Pemalang (Dewi Nadulang)’.

Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya who is also the Chairman of the BUMN Higher Education Association (APERTI) revealed that there are four skills needed by the younger generation to continue to exist and to become leaders in the future, namely the ability to Problem Solving, Self Management, Working with Other People and Engagement with Technology.

“Through collaboration and optimizing the use of digital technology, we can produce something useful in the future. The resulting innovations need to be useful for solving problems in society, for that Innovillage is here, “continued Prof. Adiwijaya.

The Director of Human Capital Management PT. Telkom Indonesia, Afriwandi; Chairman of the Indonesian Rectors Forum, Prof. Mohammad Nasih; Chairperson of the Honorary Council of the Indonesian Rectors Forum, Chancellor of Airlangga University; Chairman of APTIKOM (Computer and Informatics Higher Education Association), Prof. Panut Mulyono; President of the Indonesia Career Center Network (ICCN), Teddy Budiman, S.Psi., MM .; CEO & Founder of & Chairman of Kick Andy Foundation, Andy F Noya CEO. This event was hosted by presenters Rory Asyari and Tantri Moerdopo and also enlivened by an attractive performance by Petra Sihombing.

Andy F Noya as CEO & Founder of & Chairman of the Kick Andy Foundation said that Innovillage is one of the venues to prove that Indonesia’s young generation is capable of carrying out and solving social, humanitarian, environmental, and economic problems around them.

“This program is to shape the younger generation to become life fighters who will make Indonesia victorious in the future,” said Andy.

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